Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tips on building a Great Neighborhood

* Get to know your neighbors and watch out for each other
* Watch for suspicious activity and people
* Be particularly alert during vacations, hospital stays, and other periods when neighbors are away
* Be courteous and keep noise to a minimum (City code Chapter 96)
* Keep your grass cut and weeds in control (City code Chapter 100)
* Keep trash containers and bags OUT OF SIGHT until pick up day (City code 51 - requires containers to be set out AFTER noon day before and removed by BEFORE noon the day after scheduled pick up
* Maintain trees, shrubs, and landscaping so as not to obscure vision of roadways, intersections, or damage vehicles (City code 99)
* Be considerate of others with seasonal displays. Check to see that your holiday lights don;t shine or glare in your neighbors bedroom windows. Remove lights and displays promptly after the holiday period - allowing for weather conditions. (City code 154)
* The same code also applies to security lights, landscape lighting, porch lights, etc.
* Keep your pets inside fenced areas or on a leash comtrolled by a responsible person, pick up after them, and keep their barking under control. Excessive barking after 10pm is a FINE. (City code 91)
* Maintain residential building standards. Apply for all necessary permits for improvements (City code 157)
* Observe all parking regulations. Do not block driverways or obstruct intersections (City code 72)
* Be aware of zoning regulationswhen planning to operate a home based business or day care (City code 157)
* Review city ordinances for adandoned vehicles (City code 72 & 90)
* Watch for and report speeders and reckless drivers...And don't be one yourself! (City code 70-71)
* Keep current with your neighborhood association dues (KRNA is $5/yr)

Keep checking out this site, I try to keep it up to date.


Transportation Planning FY 2009-2012

Thursday May 29, 2008 from 4pm to 7pm at the City-County bldg, room 250 (omni room)

Everyone is welcome to see what is in the works for the next 5 years as pertaining to ALL transportation in Ft. Wayne. The Ardmore project is in the middle of this. The Ardmore project was supposed to be completed by 2009, but delayed every step of the way. Right now, the 4-lane widening project does NOT have a completion date!!! Come and see why, and give 'em your input!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Newsletter Delivery

Well Bob just dropped off my copy of the newsletter. I don't know about the rest of you, but I do look forward to receiving it. After seeing how our meetings go, and to look at the finished product, Barb is a miracle worker!! Many, many, thanks to her for her work for OUR assocation!!

Now that this address is out to the masses, keep checking back here so we can stay current on the goings-on around our 'hood!!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Great American CleanUp

Rain, Clouds,sore muscles, Poison Ivy, or tires kept us from enjoying a great day. Proud to clean up the area and learn about others. Thanks to all.