Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sidewalk on Engle road

I am still working on getting a sidewalk on Engle road from Tielker road to Kekionga road, as well as one on Engle road from Manito Blvd (Indian Village area) to Bluffton road.

This will give our entire neighborhood safe, protected access to Kekionga Middle School, Indian Village School, as well as access to the entire Ft. Wayne Rivergreenway system.

I am also working with all the active neighborhood associations in Waynedale to extend the Rivergreenway path along Bluffton road from Foster Park to Lower Huntington road. Right now everyone seems to be excited to see this happen but rather sceptical about getting this done.

Any help or input on this will be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Wow! Engle Road STILL doesn't have a side walk?! I was just thinking about how we would walk to school...hoping that we didn't get hit by a car on the way there :).